The Pisces Full Moon falls on the 1st-2nd of September 2020, and is the time to create space to take stock of what has and hasn’t come into full fruition just yet.
In essence, Full Moons are nourishing for all. When you think about it the Moon, (symbolic of the feminine), receives the light of the sun, reflecting & shining it back to us with illumination. When the moon is full, it's strong gravitational pull on the Earth makes for a time of incredibly powerful intuitive breakthroughs & peak creative energy. It’s about embodiment. The full moon accentuates everything that you’ve been working on during the previous waxing phase. Take time to reflect on what this Full Moon brings to your attention & focus. Get outside tonight and let the light of the moon shine upon you, nourishing your soul.
When the moon is full its energy is strongest, representing the fullness of female energy & its circular shape symbolises wholeness.
During a Full Moon, it's time to review your intentions & release any subconscious blocks. If you've been keeping a Meditation Journal, this is a great time to reflect on your thoughts & clear out any narrowing beliefs or behaviours that block your ability to manifest.
Positively restructure your goals as needed based on the things that are working for you & release unproductive habits, negative impacts, and "anchors" that are not benefiting you.
A Full Moon Ritual
A full moon ritual is a time to get quiet, reflect, and celebrate. Unlike the new moon, the full moon represents fruitfulness and completeness and brings with it a lot of energy.
Here’s how to approach your ritual:
1. Be calm.
Since there is likely quite a bit of energy present, it’s best to find a way to bring calmness into your space, so that you can harness the energy to your benefit. Take a few cleansing breaths, sage your space, and chill.
2. Write it out.
Take a moment to reflect on the past few weeks. What has transpired? Where are the successes? What are you bumping up against? Where do you see opportunities for growth and expansion?
3. Release and Declare.
Once you’ve clarified what’s come to fruition and what hasn’t, it’s time to write down and release what is getting in the way of the experiences that haven’t arrived yet. You can either ceremonially flush these “written barriers or blocks” down the toilet or burn them in a fire-safe vessel.
4. Take a moon bath.
If you can, get outside and let the moonlight touch your skin. Just like our bodies need the Vitamin D from sunlight, we also benefit from moonlight. It’s said to help reduce inflammation and known support our menstrual cycles.
5. Dance it out.
Whether you’re celebrating or still calling in your dreams (remember, it doesn’t happen overnight!), dance to your favourite music to move any stagnant energy out of your body and bring more lightness and joy inside.
Carving out space during both of these moon phases to go inward and take stock of what’s showing up for you, creates the opportunity to create intentions and find the rhythm of your own life.
Top Full Moon Crystals & Charging Crystals Under the Full Moon
When the Full Moon illuminates the sky, it is the perfect time to get your crystals out, supercharge your intentions, clear your energy and manifest positive blessings in your life!
To fully make the most out of the powerful energy window of the Full Moon, here are my top Full Moon Crystals that have powerful qualities to support you during the Full Moon! You'll also learn how to properly cleanse and charge your crystals under the light of the Full Moon!
My first favourite crystal to use under the Full Moon is Selenite. Selenite is actually named after the Lunar Goddess Selene, which gives you some insight into its profound connection with the Lunar energy.
In addition, Selenite is an incredible bringer of light. It's a crystallised light that just radiates so much joy and peace and positivity. The Full Moon is known to bring up lower emotions and fears and insecurities. Selenite can help you to process those. It has an incredible way of repelling and neutralising negativity, density & tension that may come up amidst the backdrop of the Full Moon Energy.
How To Cleanse Selenite
One thing I do want to mention about Selenite is that it's commonly said that Selenite does not need to be cleansed because it works to transmute negativity. And this is mostly true, however, I have encountered, on occasion, some Selenite did store dense energy.
If you've never cleansed your Selenite, it is a good idea to cleanse it. The easiest way of course is to set it out at night under the light of the Full Moon.
Use Selenite and its energy under the Full Moon to supercharge your intentions and support you in manifesting more joy and love and blessings into your life. Also, use it to cleanse and release negativity, distortion and heavy emotion that you may still be holding onto.
Either side of the coin, Selenite is a powerful ally. This remains one of my favourite crystals. It's so incredible!
My next favourite crystal for the Full Moon is Moonstone! Moonstone is a powerful ally in helping you to tune in to the Full Moon Energy.
As you could easily guess from the name, Moonstone is also closely connected to the lunar energy. Moonstone also connected to the energy of the Divine Feminine. And so it supports Divine Feminine qualities of intuition, psychic ability, and flowing with grace and ease.
It can also bring up lower emotions and insecurities, revealing what has been hidden in the shadow with the light of the Full Moon illuminating the darkness so that you can integrate and release.
If you're incredibly sensitive to energy, wearing Moonstone on the Full Moon may feel like a little much for you and that's okay. Just know that you can take it off and just hold it for a while or set it down, but that the Moonstone is helping you to tune into the Full Moon energy.
Moonstone is a very powerful Full Moon Crystal, and will help you connect to integrate your full, true self.
Another popular crystal I love to use during the Full Moon is Amethyst.
Amethyst, while not specifically connected to the Full Moon, has qualities that are just so supportive during Full Moon Energy. And one of the reasons that I picked Amethyst as a Full Moon crystal is because it's beautiful Violet Energy vibrates with the violet ray band of frequency. And so it has the powerful ability to transmute lower emotions, negativity, fear, insecurity, density into the light.
Amethyst can help you navigate the heavy energies that may be coming up within you or within other people around the Full Moon. Amethyst can help you not take on energy from others, but then also to face what's coming up within you to not try to bury it, but to face it so you can transmute it into grounded and authentic spiritual power and light.
Amethyst also helps to ground Higher Spiritual frequencies into your physical life and it is a great stone for heightening spirituality, boosting your intuition and again is just such an incredible ally during Full Moon energy.
The fourth crystal I want to share with you for the Full Moon is Labradorite. Labradorite is really powerful for tuning into Full Moon energy and also experiencing profound transformation.
Labradorite is sometimes called the Shaman's stone and it is connected to both the energy of the sun and of the moon. So it has both those sources of light on the inner and outer planes of manifestation and can support you in revealing what in you needs to come to light.
It reveals what is in you that is out of balance, what in you has been pushed into shadow. Labradorite has a way of bringing those things up to the surface and then again as you're noticing what the theme of these Full Moon crystals, heightening your intuition, boosting your sense of Spirituality, connecting you with your guides and supporting you in ushering in positive transformation into your life.
It's a powerful stone for spirituality and awakening in general but is also great to connect with and use amidst the backdrop of Full Moon energy.
Clear Quartz
Another Full Moon crystal that I wanted to share with you today is Clear Quartz.
Clear Quartz in general is the most versatile crystal of all because it is highly, highly open to intention.
And so I wanted to include Clear Quartz as a powerful Full Moon crystal because the Full Moon is a powerful time to re-infuse your intentions with light and positive energy. And you can actually focus your intentions towards the Clear Quartz.
Clear Quartz will then hold that intention and support in anchoring it into physical manifestation.
Howlite for its calming effects
Pearl for its wisdom.
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